Integrative Body Therapy for Infants and Children with special needs
February 27, 2017The Window of Tolerance
February 5, 2018Psychodrama is a relational form of psychotherapy which works holistically with a person to explore family dynamics or work related conflicts. Story telling in action, its roots lie in theater as well as theories of healthy, child development.
With a wellness based approach, therapy is focused on a person’s creativity and life skills. Somatically, focusing on the body allows the person to discover the connection to body mind and how that affects their energy and ability to cope with challenges.
Rather than looking at what’s wrong with the client, psychodrama focuses on a person’s strengths; developing their body wisdom to access more of their creative potential and spiritual beliefs. Using expressive arts and role plays it allows a person to not only explore and understand the past but also to prepare for new life experiences.
Psychodrama is often called a Rehearsal for Life, teaching people to dream again.